CLEARANCE Deals Galore Where "Spending Money is SAVING MONEY".
We have containers arriving very regularly with 100's of rugs, pouffes & pillows on every container. Along with shipments from suppliers around the world.
Let's just say the volume of product we receive means we need to have a high volume of product going out the door as more is coming in the door.
The result is we aggressively mark down products if there is anything wrong with them or if they have been hanging out too long, like that friend that just won't leave the party, when it is obviously over.
We have TONS of pouffes on CLEARANCE for $59 and TONS of pillows on CLEARANCE for $20 & $29. Rugs are marked down between 40-80%, off of our already ridiculously low "We are the Factory Prices".
Plus we are aggressively liquidating a collection of Wool Soumaks for an Importer friend that got stuck with them, so we are selling them for 80% off. Peruse them here...